Tag city

I’ve been tagged.

To steal Sarah Silverman’s line from the google ‘please go register to vote now’ viral video, this system seems to work a little like herpes- but better.

Somebody you like in blog land tags you and you have to reveal some personal stuff- seven facts that people might not know.

You then pass it down the line to other friends.

The delightful Kate from http://love-you-big.blogspot.com has tagged me. So here I go;

Seven things you might not know and I might regret putting on the internet:

1)The best present I was ever given was from the Hungry One for my birthday two years ago. It was a voucher for 50 cups of tea in bed. Being delivered a mug of earl grey, with a dash of milk and half a sugar in my special green shiny mug is bliss beyond much compare.

2)You can always tell if I’m fibbing or uncomfortable with a conversation because I’ll yawn in the middle of a word. I’m pretty sure I’m going to regret letting that one out.

3)I’m pretty lazy. I’ll happily strip a Chinese duck of every skerrick of skin and flesh to make 60 pancakes for my sister’s party, but for years growing up wore my nightgown inside out one night and the right way out the next- so I didn’t have to turn it inside out.

4)Most of the time I love drinking rose. I think it’s because I find it hard to make up my mind and it’s the path of least resistance. And I think it tastes very good when served very cold. Quite often when left to my own device a plate of Kurrajong lavosh and glass serves as dinner. Shh. Don’t tell the husband.

5)When I was 21- 25, I was layed up with cfs and wrote a terrible novel to pass the time while my friends were all off travelling. It’s really bad. I hope no one ever finds it.

6)At home I oscillate completely between being persnickety and a complete slob. I hate dirty things in the sink, yet have a terrible habit of taking shoes, accessories off and leaving them around. This works particularly well when living with The Hungry One aka the most fastidious person you’ll ever meet. He has a dymo labeller. Above our door are two hooks for our keys. One labelled Tori and the other for him.

7)I should really be doing some proper writing; I’ve managed to negotiate my regular day job down to four days a week until Christmas, ostensibly to try and pick up some freelance writing work. So I should really get back to work.

As for the people I’ve tagged, they’re also going to be the people who in turn I give this cute little award back to, after kindly being nominated by Alice of the plot thickens film musing goodness.

These are the five blogs I turn to every day in an excited – is there something new? belly fluttery anticipation. Ta to all for brightening my day.

Now I feel a little like picking softball teams; this is the sum total of my blog friends;

Love you big; design, life, craft, politics and doctorates. What else could you ask for?

12000 miles from Bondi; art, pithy musings on life of a style master from Sydney now swishing about at the Sothebys institute in London.

Mogantosh; the beautiful writings of Mama mogantosh; mother of two and fellow member of the ‘I worked for family planning and all I got was this lousy tshirt’ club.

The plot thickens; film and life goodness.

Battles with duality Tech pr and beauty writer, city girl with a country heart- love it all.

Ok, I only got to five. Looks like I am auditioning for new friends.

  1. love it! I have shared the love too. but dont worry i only got to 4 friends, shame on me!

  2. Ta, Tors! No wonder we’re get on so well, I see a lot of myself in that list! xx

  3. Zzz..I was halfway between saying ‘we’re friends’ and ‘we get on so well’….gooda English indeed!

  4. awwww. I’m a top five?? i knew we were friends for a reason. and p.s. i do still plan on holding you to that promise – tepid though it may have been – to read your book one of these days… xxxx

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