side dishes

Warm White Salad

Inspiration for dinner can come from the darnedest places. If what you’re after is a cracking recipe for your next Meatless Monday supper, something to feed the visiting vegetarians, or a lovely side for roast lamb or pan seared pink fish, click straight to the bottom. If you have some time for a little whimsy […]


Tomato, Tarragon and Sweet Onion Salad

Some things are acquired tastes.  Learning to appreciate them is like adolescence; it can be a spotty time, but once you’re through to the other side a new horizon opens up. For me those tastes were anything bitter or aniseed. The bite of Campari is a prime example. I really came to appreciate it about […]

Roast Miso Pumpkin with Carrots, Onion, White Bean...

A meal in two chapters. MONDAY: At least dinner was pretty. It was pleasing to look down at and it was politically correct.  There was no meat on the plate. Beyond that- it was thrifty- the tops of the heirloom purple organic carrots were re purposed in the pesto.  The seeds were pepitas- the very […]

Brussels Sprout Gratin – American Hustle

The Film:   The Dish:   The Reason: There’s more to link a hustle with a brussel (sprout) than the tweeness of a rhyme. This gratin is  as 70’s as the perm of Richie DiMaso (Bradley Cooper) and the velvet suits of Irving Rosenfeld (Christian Bale).  Like them this dish understands the importance of gaining […]

Swiss Chard with Parmesan, Pear and Pine Nuts

Poor Swiss Chard. I bet it feels like the girl who had a lock on the school captaincy, right up until the final year when in blows a willowy creature with a winning smile, tumbling curls and a killer high-jump from overseas. Ever since The Ascendancy of Kale, who remembers how solid and reliable Swiss […]