
Bakewell Baked Apples

There are recipes that are the edible equivalent of a hand knitted reindeer jumper, gifted to you from your grandmother. That is, cosseting, nostalgic and a little bit too twee for smart public consumption.  This is one of those recipes. If what you need is a coincidentally gluten free, not-too indulgent pudding for a school […]

Raspberry Flax Cakes

What do you do when your heart calls for cake, but your body demurs? If what you need is a strapping substitute that is meekly sweet, but still satisfying, skip straight to the recipe at the bottom. This is an easily switchable, muddle and mix bake that may be the answer to your prayers. This […]

Apple Berry Yoghurt Cake

  There are plenty of occasions that call for cake. Birthdays, natch. Baby showers; certainly. Weddings- absolutely. But then there’s a different kind of cake. It’s an everyday cake. If that’s what’s missing from your life- an indestructible, easily adaptable, swiftly assembled with children-or-the-quickly-bored-by cooking, then I think I can help. It’s a simple version […]

Blackberry Apple Oat flour Muffins

We have reached peak porridge consumption. If what you need in your life is a breezy, wheat free portable breakfast or mid morning snack that’s busy with fruit and plumped with ground flax and oats, skip straight to the bottom. If you have a few minutes for context, scroll forth. Making porridge to share with […]

Raspberry, Pear and Apple Slow Carb Crumble

This is in praise to things that are slow. Slow carbohydrates- sure. Lazy afternoons pottering by the stove- absolutely (nb, if that’s what you’re most interested in- and a nifty and sustaining refined sugar free crumble, then click straight for the bottom). If you’ve got time on your side for a little natter, pull up […]