
Oat Flour Emergency Brownies

Do you need an emergency brownie recipe, stat? The kind of perfectly fudgy, throw-them-together-in-one-bowl, no creaming of butter/ sugar/ melting of chocolate, self reliant squares of indulgence that can right any wrong, right now? If so, skip straight to the bottom. I have something that might help. I have been making a lot of these […]

Grapefruit Glazed Roasted Roots with Quinoa and Al...

Let’s not forget about the supporting acts. It’s easy in the advent of the silly season to get swept away with the main players. But let’s not forget about those on the side who pull everything together. I’m not just talking about you- the one who remembers to buy the paper napkins and sticky tape […]

Coconut Breakfast Panna Cotta with Granola

Do you need a holiday? Do your bones sag under the urge to escape and smell frangipanis by the sea? If you do and you can’t shirk  the apron strings of your life, may I present to you this panna cotta? Dessert-for-breakfast is a concept I heartily endorse (see here)  as much as abandoning your […]

Seven Layer Flourless Trifle

Traditions can form swiftly.  This is the story of a trifle which is actually anything but. If what you need is seven layers of alternating jelly, torte, fruits, citrus curds, whipped cream and toasted coconut shards, quickly flick to the bottom. If you have time for for some context read on. Time is not a […]

Lighter, Swifter (flourless) Christmas Cake

  It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas- there are toys all over the floor. But the prettiest sight I’ll see, is the cake that I will eat, when we close the baby’s door. Once upon a time Christmas preparation was all about civility. There were carefully curated wrapping schemes (last year I was […]