Eating out – Salzburg

220 Grad – The Best Coffee in Salzburg?

Salzburg is a city in which you can get lots of cups of coffee. Though most of them will come with fat caps of cream, or stained by a slosh from a bracing spirit or two. Those are the sorts of drinks which appear on menus with ornate names, best suited to themed parties. They’re […]

Schnitzel and Noodles – Salzburg and The Sou...

Schnitzel and Noodles in Salzburg There are only 150 000 people who live in Salzburg. Yet every year more than 300 000 mad, Sound of Music tragics begin a pilgrimage to this picture perfect city. Sure they’ve come to see Mozart’s birthplace and eat questionable spheres made of chocolate and marzipan. They’ve possibly come to […]