The Coffee Collective- best coffee in Copenhagen?

There are a few reasons why you might be tempted to skip around the capital of Denmark humming ‘wonderful wonderful Copenhagen’ (beyond a childhood laced with Danny Kaye tunes).

And the fact that you can get coffee like this is just one of them.

A visit to The Coffee Collective is an essential part of any food lover’s trip to this city-by-the-sea.

It’s a micro roaster and coffee bar, owned and staffed by some of the world’s most passionate coffee lovers, including previous world barista champion, Klaus Thomsen.

The Hungry One and I made our way over to Jagersborggade early on a Sunday morning. There was already a queue trailing out the door.

The Coffee Collective is in an area that smacks a little of Brooklyn, East London and Sydney’s Surry Hills. There are plenty of nifty shops and the streets are scattered with artfully disheveled folk nursing an iphone in one hand and either wheeling a bicycle or  a stroller with the other.

The space is dominated by the roaster. There are small bar tables and a few perches near the windows. Out the back there’s another room for more prolonged sitting.

There are plenty of neat details about the place.

There’s a long table out the front that gives you access to sunshine and space to spread a newspaper. Inside the bang bucket is designed to sit directly over a rubbish bin. Guests politely stack their used cups next to the sink, accompanied by the smooth croon of women singing jazz standards.

The menu is written on a board in individual letters that resemble the offspring of Lego pieces and scrabble tiles.

There are croissants to nibble on and a cake stand protecting a pile of hindbaersnittle- robust squares of slice that best resemble bakewell tarts.

And as for the coffee?   

What comes out of the La Marzocco machine is very good indeed. The lattes are very long, heavy on the milk. So if you’re more of a flat white drinker, then a  cappuccino is what  you want to order.  It’s a neat muddle of milk that leaves an artful  pattern echoed in  the crema.

The flavour is good. The staff are charming. The location, within sprinting distance of the Hans Christian Anderson grave/park is handy.

It’s the kind of place that struggles to put a foot wrong.

There’s not much to think about. If you’re in need of caffeine in Copenhagen, this is where you want to go.

I promise.

The Coffee Collective
Jægersborggade 10
2200 København N
T +45 60 15 15 25
Opening hours:
Weekdays 7.00 – 21.00
Saturday 8.00 – 18.00
Sunday 8.00 – 21.00

  1. So glad to see you love on the Coffee Collective!

    Klaus is a mad genius, and so well respected in the coffee community (I work for a roaster in the States; so many folks in our industry turn to see what Klaus is up to these days, since he has a great reputation as an experimenter.)

    Keep drinking and blogging about delicious coffee! I'll never get enough of these types of posts. 🙂

  2. That coffee makes me want to catch the next flight over! Although we have some pretty dang amazing brews here in NYC, I love cafe hopping when I travel!

  3. I'll definitely be tempted to skip my schedules just to go to that place where they serve the best coffee in town. I'm glad you shared that info.

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  4. I believe it's really the best coffee out there and I can't wait to try it. Thanks!

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