Eating out – Copenhagen


The world’s best eggs benedict? (Manfreds, C...

There are many great things to eat in Copenhagen. It’s hard to look past the culinary headliners of Noma. But man can not live on one meal alone. Even if it includes 12 appetisers. The morning after our feast at Noma we woke up in need of food, and coffee. Good coffee we found at […]


The Coffee Collective- best coffee in Copenhagen?

There are a few reasons why you might be tempted to skip around the capital of Denmark humming ‘wonderful wonderful Copenhagen’ (beyond a childhood laced with Danny Kaye tunes). And the fact that you can get coffee like this is just one of them. A visit to The Coffee Collective is an essential part of […]


Noma- it continues

Sometimes the adage of ‘fresh, seasonal and local’ can get overworked to the point of senselessness-  a  notion that’s been chewed over and spat out more than a tough piece of steak. Then there are places where the philosophy chimes as clear as an alarm marking the way out of sleep.  That’s what we found […]


Noma – it begins

“Is it really the best?”That’s the question that has been invoked the most in the wake of our visit to the place nominated as the best restaurant the world over the last two years. For some people ‘The Best’ is about service. For others it requires some ticking off from a shopping list of luxury […]