They’re off again

You can’t really excuse it at all- we’re off again. Yes, that would make it our third ‘trip of significance’ in the past 12 months.

It was booked and planned in sunnier financial climes, when the US dollar was glinting at a tantalising 92 cents.

Last night we changed some cash at LAX- we got 60 cents to the dollar.


But for the next three weeks The Hungry One and I will be dwelling in the land of burgers and fries, cookies and cream. I just ate an Oreo with my breakfast.

We’ve just come off four days in the Four Seasons in Maui- there as designated family representatives at a beautiful wedding ( it’s a tough job) and chance to get acquainted with giant turtles, and the surf. I like them all. I’m also liking that I don’t have to wear a bikini again for another three weeks. Oreo for breakfast anyone?

Bear with us from here; so it’s four days in Lala land then off to Palm Springs, Las Vegas for an ‘anti Christmas’, Napa Valley for some serious food, San Francisco for New Years Eve, then down the coast, past Salinas and Pismo Beach, before a 26 hour stop over on Papeete-the cheapest flight home was with Air Tahiti- it just made more sense that way.

Things I’ve already learned in culture shock;

Sarcasm isn’t working. I should really stop.

Appetisers are entrees, entrees are main courses.

Egg white omelette’s taste of very little of anything.

You can never bring too many pairs of socks on a holiday.

You can control and cue everything in perfectly matched itinerary days- but you can’t control the weather. It’s teeming with rain here in LA. The Hungry One’s gone to source some adapter for his phone which I don’t understand. I’m cueing more activities online.

And in a very brutal start to the holiday- just because you’ve got everything perfectly cued on Tripit, in google maps, expedia and special folders, that doesn’t mean anything if you turn up at the airport on a rainy Friday, borderline late for your international flight because you couldn’t get a taxi to save your life. It really doesn’t mean anything if you neglect to bring with you a single piece of printed information that shows your confirmed departing flight from the US. You try finding an internet connection and a printer in the international terminal…

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