Flat White

10 things I like about you

1. Your highly entertaining description of exactly what a flat white is:

flat white noun /Austral. flaat whyette/ /NZ flet wyte/ 1 An antipodean style coffee which is served as a strong shot of espresso served in a small cup with textured milk; a damn good strong coffee. 

 2. The fact that even though you’re named after one tribe, you still do a darn good skim latte.

3. I also appreciate that you don’t judge me too much for ordering one.

4. That you have two sterling blends of coffee; single origin and espresso.

5. Your friendly faces. For a newcomer to London, some of the streets around Soho can get feel a little scratchy. Particularly when what’s being tossed from the sky borders on sleet. To be able step in off Berwick street, hear the the tinkle of the cups that act as a door weights and  be greeted by wide smiles is lovely.

6. NB. Being able to hear an antipodean drawl from the counter staff is also an excellent cure for homesickness.

7. The way you understand that some mornings just cry out for poached eggs with avocado. And the fact that I can get them with ham that is cut thick like it’s the Christmas holidays in Sydney and there’s still sand between my toes.

8. The way you understand that some mornings a boy just needs a chorizo roll. And if it comes with piquillo peppers on toasted turkish bread with rocket, then all the better for it.

9. Your nookish corners. Seating at the front may be steamy and occasionally limited- but if you can score a seat in a corner at the back, you’re set for the morning.

10. Your environmental ethos. Having a speciality Flat White ‘Keep Cup’ to encourage regulars to reduce the amount of take away cups used is a nice touch. 

I’m sure there are more than 10. I’ll just have to head back to put my finger on the all the others.

Flat White

(020) 7734 0370

17 Berwick St
The West End, W1F 0PT

Flat White on Urbanspoon

{ 1 Comment }
  1. Very nice, making your feelings known is good first step. Next: PDA – public display of affection:)

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