Cooking for one- Miso Salmon with Zucchini Noodles

Is there a more emotionally loaded phrase than, ‘cooking for one?’

To be honest most of the time when it’s just me for tea, dinner is a punnet of cherry tomatoes and a large glass of pink wine (something I’m not ashamed to admit).

If I’m going to cook for myself it has to be quick, light on the cleaning up and use up most of what I buy- because to me there’s nothing sadder than seeing half a capsicum hanging around in the fridge four days later.

Here’s something that’s saved me a few times.

Miso Salmon with Zucchini Noodles
*Recipe below short, dippy film of me in my kitchen making it.

Serves 1


1 saucepan. 1 spatula. 1 speed peeler.


200 ml hot water
1 packet instant miso soup
100 g silken tofu**
100 grams of skinless, boneless salmon
1 handful of baby spinach leaves
1 zucchini/courgette

Here’s how we roll:

1. Bring the water to the boil. Add the instant miso sachet. Turn down the heat to a gentle simmer.

2. Cut the salmon off the skin and cut into thumb sized pieces. Add them to the miso in the pot.

3. Using a vegetable peeler create ribbons of zucchini. Add these mock noodles and a handful of baby spinach to the miso and the salmon.

4. When the salmon is just cooked through by the gentle heat of the soup, ladle it all into a bowl.

5. Float little squares of silken tofu through the bowl of soup.

6. Optional- add chilli for extra grunt.

** The left over silken tofu can be happily used up the next morning in a tofu smoothie. Recipe here.

Other episodes in Cooking for one: Moroccan mince with spiced carrots

{ 1 Comment }
  1. I actually adore every component of this recipe. Well done you!

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