So- this is it; a complete feast inspired by each of the nine best picture nominees for the 2014 Academy Awards.
Maybe you haven’t seen them all. Maybe you’re still slightly traumatised from 12 Years a Slave. Maybe you haven’t looked at your iphone quite the same way after Her. Maybe you’ve felt an inescapable need to cuddle your small child close and eat multiple slices of fruit cake after Philomena (welcome to my world).
You could make all of the dishes to celebrate while watching the ceremony. You could just make canape versions of one or two (small meatloaf and onion sliders, and love cakes to close). But don’t forget the champagne- or the rules for the drinking game.
-Any time someone thanks a higher power in a speech- take a drink.
-Any time someone references Philip Seymour Hoffman in a speech- take a drink.
-Any time the camera pans to Jack Nicholson looking smug – take a drink.
– Any time you see a woman in a tangerine dress- take a drink.
(Nominations for other elements for the drinking game gratefully received below). May your Oscars be golden.
The complete Oscarsfeast 2014
(recipes and rationales linked in the images below)

Amazing, Tor – I love this series. I recently read that in the past 10 years, more people have thanked Harvey Weinstein than God in their acceptance speeches, so maybe that’s one to add to your list! xxxx
ohhh i love everything here! such great things to inspire food 🙂
xx gemma
Hehe, love the drinking game! :o)
Love it! You nailed the recipes, again. Can’t wait for the big show – so many close races – though I think American Hustle will beat out 12 Years a Slave (yes, still traumatized) for the win.