A Feast Fit for a Prince

Welcome to the world little prince. I was awake at 5.30 am this morning, being kicked a bit by the little man who’s hitching a ride inside my belly at the moment, so I got to see on twitter exactly how the world lost its collective toys when the arrival of the #RoyalBaby was announced. Right now I’m hoping you and your mum are having a nice rest with some runny eggs, cured meats and soft cheeses  (or perhaps just a cup of tea and a biscuit).

But if you or anyone else were fancying a bit of a feast to introduce you to the rest of your family, here’s one I prepared earlier.

Mint Middleton Cocktails

These cocktails  are in honour of one of your sets of grandparents.

Carole and Michael Middleton met when they were both working for British Airways;  he as a flight dispatcher and she as a flight attendant.  These days they run a mail order party supply company. (The choice of whether  your novelty umbrellas come from their online portal; Party Pieces  is up to you).

In these muddled mixers there’s a good dash of Gordon’s (British Airways house gin) and a splash of tonic for some froth and bubble.  There’s some lime and passionfruit to keep it zesty.  All you need is a good mash of mint and you’ve got a drink that’s as much of  a breath of fresh air as a lass from the middle class producing the heir to the world’s most famous monarchy.

Recipe here.

Her Majesty’s Cucumber Chicken Crowns 

This starter is dedicated to your Great Granny, who now that you’ve arrived can happily head away to Balmoral for her scheduled summer holiday. These nibbles hail from the day Queen Elizabeth II embarked as the third-longest-reigning monarch of the United Kingdom.  This now classic British dish was created for the Coronation celebrations of June 2, 1953 by  Constance Spry and Rosemary Hume. It’s a curious combination of cold chicken and curried cream dressing with apricots. The thinking behind it was that it kept well for a crowd and conveyed the gentle colonial role played by Her Majesty.

Coronation Chicken is traditionally a happy friend to rice salad, cool pastry cups and finger sandwiches. Here  it finds its way into a light canapé where it rests in  hollowed crowns of cucumber. There have been a few changes to the dish to keep up with the times.

Here it’s crested with slivers of dried mango, a twist of chilli and some toasted almonds.  The cucumber casing provide a cool exterior.  The mango shows an unexpectedly sweet side. And the rest of the  filling is rich and restrained, with a sturdy spine of vigorous spice- not unlike our Sovereign. “Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II with respectful good wishes” is the appropriate wording to dedicate a book to Her Majesty. I hope it’s the same for a cucumber crown.

Recipe here.

Prince William Pork Wellington

The main event is all about your Dad. He seems like a lovely fellow. His parents may have called him Wombat, your Mum may be fond of calling him ‘Big Willie’ (and golly, perhaps he is) but to the rest of  us; he’s His Royal Highness Prince William of Wales.

This sensible and steadying Pork Wellington is in honour of the strapping man who will one day be the King of England, just before you. Like him, this wellington is long, blonde and lean. It’s generous. It’s respectfully formal, yet unpretentious. It’s just the steadying sort of dish you’d want to eat if you’d spent your day rescuing stricken seamen in your helicopter.If you probe beneath its slightly brittle pastry exterior you’ll find a swaddle of salty ham and a tangle of onions, sweetened with English cider. Under that there are two pork tenderloins, locked in a gentle hug.

As a man who has waited nine months and then some for you to arrive well knows, timing is everything. It’s just the same here. Cut the wellington too early and the pork will be shockingly pink. Too late and there’s a  chance it will be tooth gratingly dry. Pick your moment right and it will blush slightly pink and be heart-warmingly tender. That’s when it’s at its most charming. Just like our Prince.

Recipe here.

Prince Harry Spiced Ginger Relish

This carrot hued relish stands in for your uncle and the fellow you just ousted as third in line to the throne; our beloved  Prince Henry of Wales (aka Prince Harry).  Like him, it’s rambunctious and sweet.   There’s a cheeky tang of  ginger and a little bit of rubble from the currants.

Then there’s a brave streak of chilli; fitting for a dish that honours the first member of the Royal Family to  have served  in a war zone since his uncle flew helicopters in The Falklands. You can be sure that a puddle of this saucy number will bring some extra colour and interest to our upstanding  main course; a Prince William Pork Wellington.

Recipe here.

Catherine Middleton Hazelnut Hearts

These sweet treats are in honour of your Mum; the woman some have dubbed our next Queen of Hearts. It’s worth noting that these are no infantile biscuits. There are touches of hazelnut and caramel for her golden eyes and impossibly glossy hair. There’s a little sprinkling of lurid green in the lime zest to remind us of the last fashion faux pas she’ll be permitted to make (and gosh, she really hasn’t put a foot wrong while baking you)..

Then  there are  the heart shaped  biscuits themselves, which with the comforting taste of shortbread take us straight back to St Andrews in Scotland; where her and your Dad’s fairytale romance began.

When consumed with a cup of tea, they’re the perfect happily ever after- and just the treat to get you through the long nights ahead.

Recipe here

  1. Love this Tori- so fun! 🙂

  2. Love this – such a cute post and the ginger relish looks and sounds delicious!

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